Inaugural Ceremony Convened for IEEE PES Intelligent Grid & Emerging Technologies Satellite Committee-China


  On May 12, the IEEE PES Intelligent Grid & Emerging Technologies Satellite Committee-China Inaugural Ceremony was held in Nanjing. Professor Yue Dong, Dean of School of Automation and School of Artificial Intelligence of NJUPT and IEEE Fellow, served as the chairman of the committee.

  At the ceremony, Bo Zhiqian, Honorary President of IEEE PES-China; Feng Shaodong, Vice President of the party of CAST (China Association for science and technology); Ye Meilan, President of NJUPT; Wang Su, Director of SEE (Jiangsu Society for Electrical Engineering) and Chief Engineer of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd; Yao Liangzhong, Vice Chairman of IEEE PES-China Technical Steering Committee and Professor of Wuhan University; Professor Yue Dong of NJUPT delivered speeches successively.

  President Ye Meilan noted that, as the chairing entity, NJUPT would spare no efforts to support the activities of the committee and promote the cutting-edge development of intelligent grid and emerging technologies research jointly. In the nearly 80 years since its establishment, NJUPT has been integrating the philosophy of indomitability and serving the country with science and technology into education. To put it in details, NJUPT has been keeping up with the national and regional strategic needs, adhering to the mission of serving the society, and centering on the five-sphere system of scientific and technological innovation that covers materials, devices, systems, networks and applications. In the recent years, by pushing the integrated innovation of communications technology and network technology in fields like intelligent grid with help of key technology platforms like Big Data Analysis and Control Laboratory of Active Electricity Distribution Network in Jiangsu and New Energy Technology Engineering Laboratory, NJUPT has undertaken many national key projects such as intelligent grid, energy storage materials and engineering control. Moreover, we have won a number of awards at provincial and ministerial level as well as awards from China Association for Science and Technology.

  Professor Yue Dong, Chairman of the committee, said that the intelligent grid and the committee would focus more on the integration of intelligent grid and emerging technologies in various fields, especially in information technology, control technology, artificial intelligence technology, new material technology, etc. They would try to carry out technology researches, integrated innovation and industrial practice of new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of things, mobile communications, artificial intelligence, block chain , electrical equipment and new materials in intelligent grid, thus promoting relevant development, better adapting to the new requirements under the national object of controlling and neutralizing carbon emissions. All these efforts are to contribute to the construction of a new power system with new energy as the main body. He mentioned that the committee will focus on building academic exchanges and international cooperation platforms between China and other countries in the field of intelligent grid and emerging technologies, promote the common development of intelligent grid and emerging technologies, and provide more development opportunities for experts, scholars, engineers and students in the field.

  Zhang Xingning, Secretary General of IEEE PES-China, announced the establishment letter of the committee. The committee has attracted extensive attention and favor from experts, scholars and engineers from all walks of life, and has gathered nearly 600 scholars and technical experts in the industry. In the near future, more people will become a member of the committee. The meeting invited distinguished guests to attend the unveiling ceremony.

  The Committee has its executive committee, advisory committee, technical sub-committee, industrial enterprise cooperation committee, secretariat and other subordinate bodies. The seven technical sub-committees were awarded as follows: Intelligent Grid and AI Technology Sub-committee, Energy Information on Social System Technology Subcommittee, Intelligence Internet of Things and Control Technology Subcommittee, Intelligent Grid Digital Block Chain on Applied Technology Subcommittee, Intelligent Grid Flexible Resources on Interactive Technology Subcommittee, Electrical Equipment and New Materials Technology Subcommittee, Intelligent Grid and Integrated Application of New Technology Subcommittee. These subcommittees aim to provide more specialized and professional services for the committee members.

  At the inaugural ceremony, Academician Xue Yusheng and Academician Li Liying gave academic reports on “Complementary of Cause-and-Effect Drive and Data Driving” and “Promoting the Construction of a New Power System Through Digitization and Informatization” respectively.

  It is reported that IEEE, as the world’s largest and most influential technology industry association, has members of more than 400,000 people from over 160 countries and regions from all around the world. Among the associations, PES is the second largest professional technical association of IEEE.

(Writer: Zhang Tengfei First Reviewer: Yue Dong  Editor: Wang Bo Reviewer: Zhang Feng)

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