11 Courses in Our School have been Recognized as the Second Batch of National First-class Undergraduate Courses

文章来源:Academic Affairs Office, Laboratory Construction and Management Office.发布时间:2023-04-11浏览次数:10

  On April 11th, the Ministry of Education announced the accreditation results of the second batch of national first-class undergraduate courses. Our school has added 11 national first-class undergraduate courses, including 2 online first-class courses, 2 virtual simulation experiment teaching first-class courses, 3 online and offline mixed first-class courses, 3 offline first-class courses and 1 social practice first-class course. Up to now, there are 33 national first-class undergraduate courses in our school, ranking second among provincial “Double First-Class” universities.

(Written by: Wang Guanghui Guo Sheng  Preliminary Examination: Liu Shengli Shen Qingming  Editor: Wang Cunhong  Review: Zhang Feng)

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