NJUPT hit a record high in 2023 National Social Science Foundation projects

文章来源: Social and Science Department发布时间:2023-09-06浏览次数:10

  On September 4, the National Philosophy and Social Science Work Office announced the list of annual projects and youth projects of National Social Science Foundation in 2023. A total of 17 projects of our university were selected, including 1 key project, 9 general projects and 7 youth projects. The total number of projects ranked 77th in China and 7th in Jiangsu Province, with an establishment rate of 28.33%, which is a new record high in the establishment rate, number and ranking of projects of National Social Science Foundation, following the record high in the number of projects and funds of National Social Science Foundation funded to our university. This is a record high for the number of projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the number of funds, and a new high for the rate of projects, the number of projects and the ranking of NSFC projects.


(Written by: Li Xiaoting,  Initially Reviewed by: Chen Yunchang, Luo Gongzhi  Edited by: Wang Cunhong,  Reviewed by: Zhang Feng)

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