Five Gold, Three Silver, Five Bronze: Students from NJUPT Achieve Excellent Results Again in China International College Students' Innovation Competition (2023)

文章来源:Department of Teaching Affairs; College of Innovation and Business Start-ups发布时间:2023-12-11浏览次数:10

  From December 3 to 6, the National Finals of China International College Students' Innovation Competition (2023) was held in Tianjin. Following the excellent results of the 8th competition, NJUPT made another major breakthrough, winning 5 gold awards, 3 silver awards and 5 bronze awards. The total number of awards in the national competition reached a new high, and the number of gold awards won by Academic Track reached a new high and ranked sixth in China and second in Jiangsu Province.

  NJUPT has always attached great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship education and established a perfect mechanism for innovation and entrepreneurship talent cultivation. Since the start of the competition, the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education and the Academic Affairs Office have coordinated all relevant colleges of the university to formulate a detailed preparation program, and have repeatedly polished the project selection, declaration materials, project roadshow, project defense and other aspects. Guo Yufeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the university, Ye Meilan, President of the university, Liu Qingshan, Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the university and Vice President of the university, and other leaders of the university cared about the progress of the project for many times, and the persons in charge of the relevant colleges participated in the training seminars and simulated roadshows. All relevant functional departments cooperated to provide good protection for the project team to prepare for the competition. After more than a year of persistence and hard work, through the school competition, the provincial competition, the national competition of multiple links, the university team from 151 countries and regions, more than 4.21 million projects, more than 17.09 million people stand out, with excellent results once again shine no innovation, no NJUPT beautiful business card. 

List of Gold Medal Winning Projects in China International College Students' Innovation Competition (2023)

Schools and Departments

Project Title

Winning Tracks

College of Telecommunications & Information   Engineering

MagnetoPeak - Pioneer of next-generation   precision measurement of strong magnetic fields based on quantum sensing

Academic Track

College of Electronic and Optical Engineering   & College of Microelectronics

Neuro-Enabled Stroke Health Monitoring Devices

Academic Track

College of Integrated Circuit Science and   Engineering

Huaxin Intelligent Measurement-Leader of   Localized Test EDA

Academic Track

College of Materials Science & Engineering

Flexible Power Supplies-Metal Organic Frame-based   Flexible Supercapacitors

Academic Track

College of Materials Science & Engineering

Skin-like intelligent sensor

International Track

The Participating Team

(Written by: He Chaokai  Initially Reviewed by: Zhangxu, Shen Jianhua  Edited by: Wang Cunhong,  Reviewed by: Zhang Feng)

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