NJUPT Ranks 16th Among Chinese Universities in Sloan Research Fellowships

文章来源: Publicity Office of the CPC NJUPT Committee发布时间:2024-02-28浏览次数:10

  Recently, Planet Data counted winners of Sloan Research Fellowships for all years from 1995 to 2024. Two alumni of NJUPT, Lin Xiaosong and Liu Gang, were selected, ranking 16th in Chinese universities and 2nd in Jiangsu universities.

  Sloan Research Fellowships are awarded annually by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in the United States to recognize young scholars for their creativity, innovation and outstanding research achievements. The prize is open to scholars in seven of the most forward-looking and challenging fields of science and technology: chemistry, computer science, earth system science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience and physics, and is considered to be the“Wind Vane of the Nobel Prize”.

  Lin Xiaosong attended the former Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications from 1978 to

 1982, and received his master's degree from Peking University in 1984 and his Ph.D. degree from the

 University of California, San Diego in 1988. He was an associate professor at Columbia University and a professor at the University of California, Riverside. He is a topologist and a recipient of Sloan Research Fellowships.

The fourth (left) in the first row is Lin Xiaosong (林晓松).

  Liu Gang attended Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications from 2001 to 2005, received his master's degree from Peking University in 2008, and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 2013. He was a Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and an Assistant Professor at Northwestern University, and is currently a professor at East China Normal University. His main research interests are complex geometry in basic mathematics, and he has been awarded Sloan Research Fellowships and the XPLORER PRIZE, and was selected as one of the first “New Cornerstone Investigators”.

Prof. Liu Gang(刘钢)

(Written by Wang Cunhong  Initially Reviewed by Zhang Feng   Edited by Wang Cunhong   Reviewed by Zhang Min)

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